25 Facts!
Hello everyone! It seems that we always only have apologies to give you guys, we really do promise more posts in the coming weeks!
But today i thought that I would share a bit more about myself! This post is rather spontaneous and is probably due to exam stress, but it's always nice to know the person behind the screen a bit better! Here we have 25 Facts about May.
1. I'm a Christian and go to church almost every week
2. My ethnicity is pretty obscure and no one ever gets it quite right! I'm Malaysian, East Timorese Chinese. But I was born in Australia
3. My real name isn't May, it's just my Chinese name
4. I've studied a lot of different languages, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Cantonese. But i can only speak English fluently.
5. I have a dog, and his name is Mocha! He is a maltese, shitzu cross.
6. I'm not a very tall person, standing at 163 cm,though I like to think of myself as average!
7. My favourite colour is grey. I know it's not technically a colour, but nonetheless
8. I love everything to do with art, especially photography
9. Which is why, my dream is to become a photographer
10. I originally wanted to be an author or journalist
11. I've always wanted to be a dancer, I danced for a while when I was younger.
12. I have learnt/ can play the piano and the clarinet
13. I kind of think clarinet is my soul instrument, because it's one of the only things I'm good at
14. I have an obsession with hands
15. This number is my favourite number. It also happens to be the same date as my birthday and the number of months my brother an I were born apart.
16. I have an older brother!
17. At the moment, I want to study Medical Radiation Sciences at university
18. One of my other dreams is to study and live abroad, preferably in the UK/Europe and East Asia
19. The only Asian country I have left to conquer (i.e visit) is South Korea
20. I have eczema and it was pretty nasty when I was younger
21. I'm also allergic to a lot of things, to name a few, peanuts, hazelnuts,cashews, yeast and I believe I am lactose intolerant.
22. Because of my sensitive skin my "everyday" makeup doesn't comprise of any foundation.
23. I'm really obsessed with fruit
24. I am equally obsessed with dessert and pastries, they are my kryptonite.
25. I've never been to Europe!
Hopefully that was an enjoyable yet informative read for you! It was interesting to write and see what facts I could come up with! Carmen's should be up soon too so look out for that! Both of us have exams coming up and in fact Carmen has her final tomorrow! Wish us luck and we promise to post more soon.
Much love,
May xx