ff journeys 03; rhododendrons and tulips - basique mode

journeys 03; rhododendrons and tulips

Photography: Carmen

Spring has finally hit Australia! The weather has become sunnier and the flowers have bloomed. During the first week of term break, I decided to step outdoors and visit the flower gardens under the perfect weather.

The first trip was to the Rhododendron Gardens to originally see the row of cherry blossoms. Unfortunately, I was a little too late to see the cherry blossoms bloom but not to fret, there were many more flowers to see! The garden was a perfect mini hike and a great location for an afternoon picnic.

A few days later, a trip to the Tesselaar Tulip Festival was a must. Although there were a lot of people, the tulips were absolutely stunning. All the vibrant colours of the flowers in the field were incredible and very refreshing.

To anyone who lives in or near Melbourne, I definitely recommend you to visit these gardens. You will not be disappointed!


Carmen x

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