ff what's in carmen's bag - basique mode

what's in carmen's bag

Depending on the bag that I carry or where I'm going, I always change around what goes into it. If I'm just going out for ...

Depending on the bag that I carry or where I'm going, I always change around what goes into it. If I'm just going out for my weekly brunch, I don't usually carry much around, but on days where I'm going out to the CBD or a festival, I like to carry more. Here are the basic essentials that I carry around with me;

1. Canon EOS 600D
For those who are wondering, this is the DSLR camera that I use. Although it isn't a full frame camera, it is a great starting-out DSLR. I also love the flip screen screen which comes in very handy. I always bring my camera with me because sometimes, you never know what you might come across!

2. Sportsgirl black ribbed purse
I have used this purse for a few years now and I can say that it is definitely a trooper. Even if I don't carry a small bag with me, I always bring this purse with me. I love that it can look casual and also formal and is able to pair with anything as it is black.

3. Current read [ Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore ]
Whenever I'm travelling by train, I'll be sure to carry a book with me. I've heard great things about this book so I'm excited to follow the journeys within. I haven't read much of the book yet so for those who've read it, please let me know whether you like it or not!

4. 100 Squared Sunnies
A basic pair of sunnies is an essential in everyone's bag. I love that these have a high UV protection and it has an oversized and rounded edge to it.

5. Rimmel's Stay Matte Powder
As I have very oily skin, it is important for me to carry around a mattifying powder. Whenever I don't apply this powder, the oils on my face can rub my makeup away so I keep this in my bag whenever I need touch-ups.

6. Carmex Lip Balm
My lips can become incredibly dry if I don't apply a lip balm so it is crucial that I carry my Carmex with me. This lip balm is great for healing the dry patches on my lips and keeping them moisturised.

7. Lip Colour [ Innisfree Creamy Lip Tint Mousse #3 Fresh Coral ]
Depending on the makeup I have on or my outfit, my lip colour will change accordingly. With lip balm underneath, this lip tint will glide on smoothly and provide a fresh pop of colour.

8. 2x Canon lenses
As I carry my DSLR with me everywhere, I like to carry two different lenses. I take two with me as one is a zoom lens and the other is a prime lens. Depending on the situation, I like to interchange between them.

We're both incredibly sorry for not posting in a while. We both have exams coming up but we'll try and keep you updated as soon as we can!

Carmen xx

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