ff basic - basique mode


We're on the final leg! This will be the last of our basics posts. Hopefully you've gained something out of it and we've man...

We're on the final leg! This will be the last of our basics posts. Hopefully you've gained something out of it and we've managed to inspire you a little bit. For this last post, we decided to choose a basic we love personally. As everyone is an individual with different tastes, we'll all have "our" basic. Personally for me a striped shirt is an essential item in my wardrobe.  Whether it be a black and white one like below or a pink and blue one, i think stripes are an extremely versatile pattern.

This is quite a sporty look and is very monochromatic. if you've been following us for a while you may have noticed our love of black, white and grey, we're working on the colour! My striped top is almost cropped and stops just below the stomach, it then fades into the black pants. The addition of the long parka balances the whole outfit together creating one clean line to look at. The only colour is from the blue canvas shoes i'm wearing, as this is a sporty look it completes the look nicely. 

 ASOS Parka, 11st Top, 11st Pants, Fila Shoes 

 An absolute essential for me is a cropped top; whether it be plain, as the one I'm wearing, or patterned. You'll usually find me in a crop top with high waisted bottoms. Here, I've paired a nearly all black outfit with a vivid pop of colour. To counterbalance the shortness of the crop top, I'm wearing high-waisted shorts so I'm not exposing too much. You may have noticed that I don't gravitate towards colours in my outfits. However, as this outfit is mostly black, I tied my purple flannel around my waist. This adds some colour and creates a edgier and grungier look which are both styles that I admire!

H&M black crop top, Supre high-wasited denim shorts, H&M purple flannel, KMart shoes, Sportsgirl necklace

We both hope you enjoyed our little series on how we both style basic essentials that everyone should have in their wardrobe. Hopefully you've acquired at least a small hint of inspiration! Be on the lookout for similar series!

May and Carmen x

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